YouWin Programme – How to Answer YouWin Questions (SEE SAMPLE)
YouWin Section 1
- Business Name: The name of the venture shall be “HIGH Poultry Farms”
HIGH Poultry Farms was established in 2011 to fill the gap of the ever increasing demand for poultry food in Ebonyi state and its neighboring states.
- The Product
The main activity of HIGH Poultry Farms is the poultry breeding and poultry production will involve day-old chicks being purchased, breaded and nurtured for the production of layers for eggs production; poultry meat (broilers) and also the sales of the old layers as meat for consumption. These will supplement the inadequate and irregular, insufficient eggs and meat production in Ebonyi state. These eggs will be produced by free-range hens that will be fed on grains that are grown without pesticides, chemical fertilizers or any other genetically engineered product.
Our products (Eggs) are first grades eggs weighted between 55g to 65g in size and will be packaged in transparent foils and preserved against sunlight and most importantly, will be the cheapest eggs to buy in the state. We will supply and make available the old layer birds as meats to consumers such as the ‘Maisuyas’, Hoteliers, ‘maisayis-indomies’ sellers and restaurants within Abakaliki metropolis.
Also Read: Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria / Business Plan
The product includes the following listed below:
1) A White and brown Oval–shaped eggs and
2) Brown Old layers
3) Broilers
- Targeted Market and Customers
- Our eggs and poultry meat are in high demand both from direct customers and businesses that uses eggs for their products. In Ebonyi state today, a state which is known for its high demand for poultry products and meat; we will produce our products for the direct customers which include stop-by individuals, families, Corporate Ebonyi, restaurants, fast food joints and Maisuyas within and Ebonyi metropolis; While our indirect consumers will be the manufacturer and establishments that desire our products for their own products e.g. Yahuza Suya; ice cream and yoghurt producers
Our poultry farm will also service some of the Ebonyi state market e.g. Abakaliki main market, Ogbete market and Gunning motor park.
- Is the market for your product or service growing or shrinking?
Ebonyi state has an estimated population of 1.8 million people (2006 census) and is the second largest state in Nigeria. Agriculture is the largest sector in Ebonyi in terms of provision of employment and income generation to its populace. Over 70% of its populace are directly and indirectly consumers of its agricultural products
Our target as a company is to commence with 4,000 birds capacity and increase to 20,000 birds’ capacity within the next 2 years. This we will do to enhance the supply of eggs and poultry meat for the populace at affordable price as we also ensure the creation of jobs for some unemployed youths in the society.
The above analysis shows that the market for poultry in Ebonyi State is a an ever increasing one as Kano is a large market for all types of poultry products, including eggs. Producers do not have to seek buyers; rather, buyers in Ebonyi State have long sought out producers. Dealers or middlemen buy from farms and sell to direct consumers (individuals, corner shops, and supermarkets) and to processors for onward sales to direct consumers. The latter group includes many sellers of tea, and of sellers of fried yams and eggs, and of fried bean cakes. These last two groups are the largest outlets for eggs in Ebonyi. Eggs are sold informally to the neighboring states of Enugu and Akwa Ibom. In normal times, eggs produced in Ebonyi were not sufficient to meet the demand.
Ebonyi State is one of the leading markets for poultry in easten Nigeria. In Ebonyi, most poultry farms are small — about two thirds have no more than 5,000 birds, and only about 5% of poultry farms in Kano State stock more than 50,000 birds. Ebonyi formerly could not meet locally the demand for eggs. Eggs are sold informally to the neighboring states of Enugu and Akwa Ibom. In normal times, eggs produced in Ebonyi were not sufficient to meet the demand;
Ebonyi is a large market for all types of poultry products, including eggs. Producers do not have to seek buyers; rather, buyers in Ebonyi State have long sought out producers. Dealers or middlemen buy from farms and sell to direct consumers (individuals, corner shops, and supermarkets) and to processors for onward sales to direct consumers. The latter group includes many sellers of tea, and of sellers of fried yams and eggs, and of fried bean cakes. These last two groups are the largest outlets for eggs in Ebonyi. Eggs are sold informally to the neighboring countries of Niger and Chad. In normal times, eggs produced in Ebonyi were not sufficient to meet the demand;
- Pricing Power:
- Explain the unique qualities concerning your products that will enable you to maintain profitable pricing
Search for unique qualities of my poultry products!
The range of our services is purely professional. They go beyond the mere delivery of services as required by the customer. We go the extra mile of adding value to the intention of the customer by understanding the basic purpose of what the customer wants to do with our services and help the customer see the bigger picture of the whole subject matter. For instance, if we have a media job that requires our doing a voice-over on a documentary for a TV station or a particular producer, we would desire to understand the purpose that particular documentary would want to achieve and try to mirror in the psychology of the viewers in the specific demography. This will help us to give fillip to the scripting and the voice-tonation to help pass the message with an emotional flair that will attract and arrest the attention of the viewers.
The same principles apply to our training and secretarial services units. We always have the extra value that the customer goes away with.
As we plan an expansion and full deployment of our services to our target market, we intend to do a promotional price regime for a specific number of weeks to generate a determined traffic of customers. Our pricing however in this respect will be reasonable enough for us to maintain a margin of profitability in the long haul. The basic circumstance that will continue to guide our pricing regime(s) is the extra quality we shall bring into play in the conduct of our business. That however does not divorce us from the fact that our competitors’ price will be ignored. We will ensure that we are competitive enough to drive traffic before our customers keep a better idea of the quality of service we have to render.
YouWin Section 2
The Vision
The vision of HIGH Poultry farms is to ‘see a well-nourished society’.
And the company’s mission is to provide high and best quality nutritional poultry products at affordable means.
I am passionate that a well-nourished society can be achieved through our best quality and refined poultry product we provide in Ebonyi state. In other for us to achieve this we will ensure we adhere strictly to quality and hygienic products.
The People
Okun Emma is a graduate of Accountancy from Federal University of Technology Owerri Imo State, Nigeria with also Post graduate diplomas in Education. I am a small business trainer and teacher of microenterprise with close to five years’ experience mentoring and developing small business in Eastern Nigeria; I have acquired some skills and experience in the areas of agriculture and education. He is a member of a few Agricultural cooperative societies registered in Imo State that focuses on poultry production and mechanized farming. I am also a member of the Ebonyi state chapter of the Poultry Association of Nigeria.
I currently work with Opportunities Industrialization Centers International (OICI) as a Programs Associate on Entrepreneurship Development and Resource Mobilization Assistant (Pa ED/RM). My roles basically are to provide business and entrepreneurship development trainings to disadvantaged youths and women within Kano state. I also encourage and ensure through the resource mobilization department, that the participants embark on community development and sanitation initiatives. This we do in keeping a clean society.
I have 2years experience as an apprentice and poultry assistant at a relations poultry farms in Ebonyi State.
I am also a business consultant and developer of small scale poultry businesses in Ebonyi. Currently I manage a cooperative poultry farm called Noga Multi-purpose cooperative society Ltd. The poultry venture which is registered with the Ebonyi state ministry of cooperatives; a farm that stared poultry production with 500 birds.
Describe your work experience in the business you plan to start including a list of your skills and knowledge, which will be required in your business
- Okun Emma is a graduate (B-Tech) of Physics Electronics from Federal University of Technology Minna Niger State, Nigeria with also Post graduate diplomas in Education. I am a small business trainer and teacher of microenterprise with close to five years’ experience mentoring and developing small business in Northern Nigeria; I have acquired some skills and experience in the areas of agriculture and education. He is a member of a few Agricultural cooperative societies registered in Kano State that focuses on poultry production and mechanized farming. I am also a member of the Kano state chapter of the Poultry Association of Nigeria.
I have 2years experience as an apprentice and poultry assistant at a relations poultry farms in Imo State. Ogudo Omon is the founder of Born Extraordinarily Excellent International (BEE International) an organization with the sole aim of bringing mentorship, training, apprenticeship and information to young people (teenagers) in northern Nigeria.
Furthermore, he is a graduate of the PAN African University (Entrepreneurship Development Center) Lagos Creative Enterprise Certificate course sponsored by British Council and Glascow University Wales.
I also attended a business plan/business development training organized YOUWIN in Imo State in 2011. In view of the foregoing, He has attained necessary business acumen, financial discipline and managerial skills to make him succeed in the chosen business line.
This Youwin Business Plan is incomplete. To get the complete document, contact us on +2347033378184.
good guidance, keep the good work going