Turkey Farming Business Plan in Nigeria
Turkey farming is one that has been on the rise over the past two decades in the Nigerian nation. Turkeys are one of the most profitable forms of poultry farms in present-day Nigeria. Turkey farms are easy to set up and are relatively the simplest forms of poultry farms in Nigeria.
Get your Turkey Farming Business Plan in Nigeria and feasibility study. pay N10,000 to:
Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
Account Name: Chibuzor Tochi Onyemenam
Account Number: 0044056891
After payment, send your name, email address and “business plan for turkey farming in Nigeria pdf” to 07033378184
Setting up a turkey farm in Nigeria has some prerequisites, and we would discuss some of the major ones in this article. However, we must understand the economic importance of Turkey as well as its prospective business opportunities in the Nigerian agricultural industry. This understanding will guide everything we need to know about the turkey farming venture in Nigeria.
Turkeys and Their Economic Importance
A turkey is a bird, and that is one of the most obvious things about it. However, there are wild and domesticated turkeys. Wild turkeys are not common in this part of the world; most of the turkeys in Nigeria are domestic turkeys. Domestic turkeys usually have a white feather and a more extensive breast chamber when compared to their wild counterparts. For short, wild turkeys are smaller than domestic turkeys.
Turkeys are generally reared for their meat in Nigeria; as a matter of fact, Turkey meat is one of the significant agricultural import goods in Nigeria before the recent ban on the importation of consumables and goods in Nigeria. The amount of turkey that was imported into the Nigerian shores was quite voluminous. Still, with the ban on the importation activities, turkey farming is on the rise in the Nigerian shores and it likely that this form of poultry farming would keep on the verge of the progressive gradient over the next couple of decades. All these is because even with the number of turkey farms in Nigeria, we are still a very long way to filling the gap between the demand and supply of turkey in Nigeria. As a turkey farmer in Nigeria, you can be sure that the market is readily available to absorb your products because we still have not leveled up to the demands of the Nigerian turkey market.
Asides the fact that turkeys have very sumptuous meats, turkeys grow into full maturity between four to five months from the day of their hatching as eggs. The fact that turkeys grow so fast tells of the prospects that are held within the turkey farming business venture in the Nigerian borders. Matured turkeys are quite resilient and hardly die; in fact, they can live up to ten years.
Turkey farming is generally one that holds a lot of profitable prospects; the more interesting fact about this form of farming is the fact that it can be set up with very little capital. Unlike other types of farming ventures, turkey farming takes only a small amount of money to start. We will still detail the amount of money it takes to set a turkey farm up later in this article. However, it is essential to understand that turkey farming is generally beneficial both to the farmer and the nation at large.
How to Start Turkey Farming in Nigeria
Starting a turkey farm is not as hectic as it sounds, however, it requires a lot of diligence and discipline on the end of the farmer in order to make a meaningful income out of the venture., there are a lot of key ingredients to the flavour of a profitable business venture. However, we will list some of the most important ones for the turkey farming venture in this article.
- Develop a Business Plan
The importance of a business plan to any venture cannot be overemphasized. This is because a business plan will guide the entirety of the lifetime of the business. A business that will succeed will be evident in the clarity of its plan, and in the same vein, a business that will struggle and eventually fail will be evident from its plans. It is, therefore, essential to set the business plan for your turkey farming venture in the proper order before every other thing. The business plan will clearly state how the business will run on all grounds if it is to be effective. The following are some of the salient features that should be contained in a good business plan for a turkey farming business in Nigeria:- The goal of the farm
Do you plan to rear the turkey for raising more turkey? Or is your own plan to raise the turkey for meat? Whatever the plan you intend for your turkey farm is, you need to state it in the business plan in clear terms. The clarity of the goal of your turkey farming business venture will help guide the entirety of the business. The clear goals of your turkey farming business venture will give you an idea about every step you need to take to set the business in the proper place. When the goals of your venture are clear enough, it can give anyone the idea of the future of the business. After setting the goals of your turkey farming business venture, be sure to have them reviewed by a third party who would give you an unbiased perspective. - Financial Plan
The financial plan of your turkey farming business venture will state the costs of setting up the farm as well as running it for the first few months of its operation. The mistake many business owners make that you should try and avoid with your own business plan; is that they plan only for the start of the business and not the sustenance for some time. Your financial plan must account for how you plan to set the turkey poultry up, how many turkeys you intend to start with. The cost of setting up a building to the house for them, the cost of feeding the birds for at least three months, as it is not likely the farm will generate income to run itself in that period.
To help set your financial plan in place, you should know that a mature turkey in Nigeria varies between fifteen thousand naira (NGN 15,000) and twenty-five thousand naira (NGN 25,000). - Bird Age Range
In your business plan, you should also include in the plan the kinds of birds you intend to start the farm with. The types of bird you begin with will have to go hand in hand with the goal of your turkey farming business venture. Staring with young turkey poults will cost more to rear till maturity, however, you will be able to buy more poults as their price will obviously cost comparably little compared to full-grown turkeys.
Starting your turkey farming with full-grown turkeys will cost more to start, but it will take only a little time to rear them into productivity. Whatever the case may be, you must decide the kinds of birds you want to start your turkey farming venture with. - Other things need to be in the business plan for your turkey farming venture. However, you can do additional research about the topic. You could even visit a flourishing turkey farm and see some of the methods you feel they have integrated into their business plan.
- The goal of the farm
- Feeding
Rearing turkey in Nigeria is relatively easy when the business plan has been set in proper order. Generally, turkeys eat almost all kinds of home food, so it becomes easy to feed the birds with remnants from human food for small scale turkey farmers. However, for those that wish to rear turkey on a larger scale, the birds will require much more than remnant food for their sustenance, you will need to get them bird feeds. For young turkeys, foods with high protein content (30% protein) will generally spur their growth more, while the matured ones grow better with foods with more carbohydrate content. - Housing
Turkey houses should be built to have perches at least two feet well over the ground; the height in the perches will allow them space to breed as turkeys most times prefer to sleep in high places. The whole structure of the turkey housing structure should be covered with a lightweight roof to protect the birds from harsh weather conditions. The housing of the birds should allow for proper ventilation of the birds. Ideally, roost that has the size: 5 by 8 foot will house about twenty turkeys conveniently. - Treatment
It is best to employ the services of a dedicated veterinary doctor to prevent the mortality rate of your birds. The doctor will administer medications to the birds at specific stages of their growth. And when any of the birds get sick, the veterinary doctor will administer treatment to the birds. It is best to include a veterinary doctor in the plan for your turkey farm because the veterinary doctor will adequately monitor the growth and development of the birds in a hitch free way.
For small scale turkey farmers, it is advisable to start the venture with three females and two males.
Get your Turkey Farming Business Plan in Nigeria and feasibility study. pay N10,000 to:
Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
Account Name: Chibuzor Tochi Onyemenam
Account Number: 0044056891
After payment, send your name, email address and “feasibility study on turkey production” to 07033378184
Turkey Farming Business Plan in Nigeria © www.businessplan.com.ng
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