Tomato Paste Production Business Plan in Nigeria
Our sample tomato paste production business plan in Nigeria can be used to access bank loans, proposal writing and grant applications. This business plan was complied after a proper feasibility study on tomato paste production in Nigeria was carried out. Furthermore,this article will be answer the following questions for you in tomatoes production in Nigeria:
Also Read: Tomato Farming Business Plan in Nigeria
- Tomato paste business in Nigeria
- Tomatoes farming in Nigeria
To get your own Tomato Paste Production Business Plan in Nigeria, pay N50,000 to:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122
After payment, text your full name, email address and title (business plan for tomato paste production) to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.
Nigeria is over 180 million people and statistics have shown that the country imports over 68 million tonnes of processed tomato paste from all over the world and Nigeria is also Africa’s largest producer of tomatoes; this means in a nutshell that the Nigerian tomato farmers cannot satisfy the demand of consumers or Nigerians in general.
Tomato is a vegetable that cannot be preserved in its original form for a very long time and because a lot of people do not want to go through the stress of processing their tomato after purchasing it from the market or farm but just want to go straight to using it (ease of usage) this makes processed tomato paste a great investment for you at this time.
Note that processed tomato paste can last 10 times longer than raw tomato and most homes find it handy to cook a quick meal especially because of the rate of consumption of rice and pasta in the Nigeria.
Pros and cons of a tomato processing factory and tomato paste.
- Processed tomato has reduced taste and less nutrient compared to the fresh unprocessed vegetable.
- It is capital intensive though you don’t have to be the richest man in Nigeria town a tomato processing factory but you need a lot of money.
- Processed tomato reduces wastage of food because you will use just enough per time and don’t have to deal with rotten tomatoes.
- This eases the stress on farmers locating market for their product; they can sell to both market people and tomato factory owners.
Here is a step by step process on how to make processed tomato paste; this is a generalized process so there could be some alterations in other methods of making the paste.
This is the first and one of the most important steps of all because this helps to keep quality and improve the general marketability of your tomato paste. In this process you will need to sort the good tomato from the bad ensuring that only the tomato of excellent quality is been allowed in the mix. Ensure that the ones you use are ripe and mould-free. Good sorting enriches the overall quality of the tomato paste.
Weighing the batch
Weighing of the sorted batch is important because it help to know the exact weight and nutritional value of the batch; this in itself helps for record keeping, fortification and adequate addition of preservatives.
Washing the batch
Hygiene is very important so the process of washing the batch after weighing is very important so as to get rid of sand and other pathogens that can be lurking on the vegetable.
The process of blanching is also known as pre-processing of the tomato, this helps in removing the seeds, skin and any bad odour from the tomato. In this process the tomato is put in boiling water for about 5 minutes to peel off the skin.
This process is called pulping or mashing of the tomato. This is when the tomato is made into paste form just like you using a blender to blend tomato for home use. You can use the manual method or motorized pulping machine to make it faster.
Boiling, sieving and heating
In that order, after blending the tomato paste is been boiled and sieved. A material that is like a white cotton sack is used to separate the water from the main mix, then the acidity level of the tomato paste is being increased by adding lemon juice while it is boiling which reduces the pH level to around 4.5 to prevent bacteria from festering on it. Heating it removes more water from it and ensures that the tomato paste is concentrated.
Packaging and Preservation process
There are several containers for packaging which are tins, sachets (which are most popular in Nigeria) and bottles. Packaging is important; even though people are buying the content but the container attracts and people will pay more for proper packaging. If the packaging is done properly then this singular process can significantly increase the shelve life of the product. Consult a nutritionist for the best form of preservation method to use.
When marketing you need to also consider doing it both in the country and outside the country depending one you financial reach. If your product are up to international standard that also gives you an edge because it means that you won’t have much trouble marketing and distributing it all over. You could make supplies to supermarkets, restaurants and other vendors.
Use advertisement means like social media, print media and other forms to ensure that your product reaches the right people.
Steps to Starting out the Factory
To make sure that you are on the top of your game in starting the tomato paste factory, you will want to get all necessary facts and figures right and to get that right you need to do lot of research and feasibility studies. This keeps you away from unnecessary pitfalls and avoidable unfortunate events. Knowledge they say is power, this context it can be called safety. A concise research will put you on an overdrive to success.
A properly carried out feasibility study will enlighten you on the entire cost implication of starting, building and running the business. Cost of raw materials, man power, machineries, etc
You will also know the pros and cons of the business so you prepare yourself for or avoid certain eventuality. Overall a good feasibility study helps you to make good decision both in good times or bad times.
When it comes to manufacturing most especially things that are edible the legal paper works are usually so much. Getting the licenses and permits are one of the most vital things that need to be considered before setting up the manufacturing plant. All the necessary requirements need to be met; consult all relevant bodies for necessary approvals e.g NAFDAC. Make sure you have an experienced legal adviser this will save you from unseen pitfalls and traps set for you to run out of business before you even start. With all relevant paper work in process you can now move unto other things.
One of the major factors that affect the success of a business venture in a growing society like Nigeria is the location of the business. A good business location like a tomato factory plant must have a few key features which are:
- The factory must be located in a place where it is easy to get raw material and in this business the major raw material is tomato so the factory must be located very close to a major tomato farm that produces all year round to ensure stable production.
- It must be located in a place where it is easy to get man power. If people cannot access the factory to get to work then this will definitely as some point halt or slows down the production process.
- There should also be the availability of a ready market not too far from the factory so it has to be located in place that is as busy as lagos.
Procurement of Adequate Machineries
For continued and uninterrupted production it is therefore important to note that complete equipment need to be bought and these equipment need to be of good condition preferably of foreign origin.
- Fine Pulper
- Fruit Mill
- Boiler
- Steam Jacketed Kettles
- SS Tank
- Tomato Paste Form Fill and Seal Machine
- Steam Piping
- Steam Pressure Reducing Station
- Product Piping and Valves
- Cooling Tower Pump and Piping
- Water Piping
- Water Chiller
- Screw Pump
- RSSP Cooler
- Storage Tank
- Delivery Trucks
- Fruit Washer
- Power generating set/plant
The prices of these equipment varies in price because of foreign exchange so we cannot say for sure how much they will cost but you should be looking at spending huge sums of money that will run into tens of millions. So get yourself ready. Also ensure that the equipment is installed properly.
After installing such expensive equipment you need to employ or hire capable hands to manage the equipment. They must be qualified and well trained to ensure the safety of the equipment and lives. It will be a big mistake hiring unskilled workers as this singular action may just be the beginning of the end for the factory.
Raw Material
If the first suggestion about the location of the business is followed strictly then you shouldn’t have much challenge procuring raw materials for the manufacturing of the tomato paste. If that is the case then you must always ensure that the tomatoes been supplied to your factory are healthy, fresh and rot free tomatoes. This will improve the overall quality of the products. Don’t be also afraid to change supplier if for any reason the person supplying the raw material is not giving you quality product. There is no sentiment if you want to succeed in business.
Marketing By Packaging
Let you content be of great quality but let your packaging be WOW! This means that you need to pay close attention to the final packaging. Quality product doesn’t just cut it alone, your packaging must also be of high standard. If possible it should have international quality especially if you intend on exporting your product to other countries. They say “you don’t have a second chance for first impression” and the first impression you give the customer before they ever get to actually consume your product is the packaging. If it is appealing to their eyes then they will most likely buy into it before they get a taste of the good stuff; make a lasting impression if you want to stay in business for a long time. Use the best packaging for your product depending on your market; you could either use tin, bottle or sachet.
Know Your Market
Knowing your market means knowing who your likely customers are before you have products on ground. Ensure you have made good market research and have a list of the people that you intend to supply your goods to or people that will buy from you. This helps you to know how to plan for production so that you don’t over produce or under produce your tomato paste because both extremes could be catastrophic in nature. What is your target market? Here is a list of possible target market:
- Hotels and Restaurants
- Market Women
- Households and individuals
- Food processors
- Supermarket and grocery stores
- This could also include international market if you so wish.
UPS unique selling point is a term that refers to your nitch, what you do differently that gives you that edge in the market. Why people prefer your product to others, when you know this it is advisable for you to improve on it to ensure that you are on top of the food chain of production.
Before you came into the tomato processing business there are definitely others there before you and these manufactures have probably captured the market before you came in. this means that you must gradually learn to outsmart them, buy their product and do a reverse engineering in this case it may just mean tasting it and using it to know how well you can improve you product and push them down the production chain or off it totally. Send scouts to look at what kind of raw material they are using, how they process or make their paste, what kind of machineries they are using, how they market, who they market to, just ensure you know why they are a competition to you and look for means to out play them. This may also mean that you will likely need the help of a professional to help in this process.
In conclusion they say “the taste of the pudding is in the eating” we can say a lot of thing here right now but you need to get your hands dirty to know how it really works and what you stand to gain.
Get your Tomato Paste Production Business Plan in Nigeria today.
To order the business plan, pay N50, 000 to:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0044056891
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122
After payment, send your full name, email address and topic (i.e. business plan for tomato paste production) to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.
Tomato Paste Production Business Plan in Nigeria ©
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