Shoe Making Business Plan in Nigeria
This shoe making business plan in Nigeria and feasibility study is regularly updated and can be used to access bank loans, grants, investors and startup business competitions.
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How to Start a Shoe Manufacturing Business
Productions of shoes and other foot gears is a way of fulfilling the need for a quotient part of basic human need which is clothing. Shoes and other foot wears complement the clothing of all individuals. This is one of the businesses that tend to cater for a basic need in the life of humans. Everybody adorns his or her feet with a shoe (general term for foot wears). It is an accessory to complete all outfits. This makes you as an entrepreneur, have the entire population or a larger percentage of the populace as your potential customers. There are numerous type of shoes that come in diverse shapes, colours and sizes for different caliber of people, age and other demography. Shoes are also made to meet specific needs like office wears, casual wear, sport, lab wears and protective wears among others.
Like every other businesses, shoes production requires dedication, training and perfecting of skill. Hence, hard work, skill acquisition and creativity is a necessity to make it big in this business. One of the advantages is that your handiwork will be your ambassador to represent you well or otherwise.
To start shoe making in Nigeria, you can go into in two ways. You can start small or you can start big. Either way, you have to be trained as both a shoe maker and an entrepreneur. Though you need the shoe making skill more as a small startup than big startup because you can employ skilled personnel when starting big.
To start small as most people do, you acquire shoe making skill from an already established personnel or you acquire skill from technical school then perfect it by study as an apprentice from a skilled person. This will allow you the opportunity of gaining maximum experience on the nature of the business which will help you when you are to begin your own. This also exposes you to some off book knowledge and real life practical, keeping you in tune and up to date fashion trends. This start up method requires minimum capital though it require more time and strength than the “starting big” method. It does remove the capital intensiveness of starting big. So after you have completed your course of training, you can set up as a sole proprietor. So as you grow you can then transform into big factory. It is much easier to start this way and expand as you grow, in this way you have the require skills for shoe making and you would have a knowledge of market well thereby reducing some risks.
Another way to start shoe making business in Nigeria is to start big. It doesn’t mean starting a big business, it just means opening up a shoe making factory in which you employ hands other than yourself to work and perhaps have a production line with bigger machines. This method of startup involves the recruitment of skilled personnel to work for you in the production of the shoes. You might or might not be directly involved in the production of those shoes, you might just be supervising or concern yourself with the management and day to day running of the business.
You will need to employ production staff with the skilled shoe designer to monitor the production of shoes. This will ensure you have steady production of shoes. You will also require the service of marketers to market your products. This type of establishment requires the use of production machines and staff that are skilled in maning those equipment where necessary. These staff could be skilled already or they can have on the job training. Production is usually in large scale and need more capital to start and run. You need capital for machine and raw materials procurement, staff payment and space rental or purchase.
So to start, select a specialized but profitable corner of the market. There are numerous types of shoes design to function for different type of people and purpose. By selecting your market, the decision of the type of shoes you are making would have been made. Will it be to make for females or for children or adults, will it be casual or formal wear or sportswear? All these have to be taken into account when the decision is to be made. This ensures that you know where you are really headed and the potential in such market.
Location: As a solo shoe maker, you can start from anywhere. This includes your home if you are yet to have a work shop. But when you plan to get a work shop either as sole proprietor or the main factory, it should be located is such a place where you will have access to your target market. Small sole proprietor on small scale should have space to display your ware in your immediate environment and then in your target market area if you are not located there. For factory, it should be located near to raw materials while the show room for showcasing your product must be located strategically near your target market. You will know if your location is correct when it reduces one or both of these cost: marketing cost and production cost; with increment in your sales and profit.
Materials: when getting materials, your best friend is your experience. There are tons of equipment and different grades of materials used in shoe manufacturing. It is still very easy for someone with a previous knowledge in shoe making to get “quality” when it comes to the procurement of shoe making material. There are essential tools and non-essential tools. This is where a trained person has an upper edge either when he is starting small or opening a big factory. He or she would have had experience with his or her trainer’s tool, grown familiar with most of these tools and would have receive relevant information and recommendations on the appropriate tools needed in the business. There is no machine currently that can handle all the processes of shoe making and make all type of shoes (not even one human can do this).
Selecting materials to be used on the shoes itself, you have to consider mainly the purpose of the shoe and other peripherals like the type of machine to used, processes to undergo and the type of environment or weather the shoe is going to be used in. Elegant shoes are made of clothes, leathers and skins: crocodile skin, alligator skin or snake skins. Extravagant ones are made from glass, diamond, gold strips, synthetic elastic and many more material for custom shoes. Some other shoes are made from rubber and plastic. The soles are made of many materials like rubber, plastic, leather, bone, wood, metals and so on. Getting the right material for the type of shoe you are making and the market you are serving should be cost effective without compromising the quality you produce.
After the raw materials are in place, production is now ready to begin. On a small scale, you only require some basic machinery and depending on the type of shoes you make too. You might need a table top grinder to smoothen your shoes, stitching machine and or sowing machine and borer. You will definitely need more of hand tools as a small scale producer. Those hand tools include mallet and hammer, needle (different sizes), treads( different types and colours), coarse paper for sanding, knife and other cutting material, measuring instrument like tape, ruler, inscribing material like divider, biro, pencil and so on.
The processes require to transform raw materials to a shoe is just a bit different for types of materials involved and the type of shoes to be made. In general, the first step is to get the vision of the type of shoe you will like to produce and take out a measurement, you will need to procure the raw material (prepared raw material that you use directly as you get them or raw materials you condition to suit your taste and use), then you cut the material into desire size and shape of the top and then you create a base (heel and entire sole). The next process is to join the top part with the base, there are different means of joining, these include but not limited to gluing, gumming, stitching or sewing the parts together. Finishing touches is added to the shoe to make it market ready. The shoe is then packaged and transported for marketing.
Brand your shoe. One of the things you will sell is your brand and it will be your major edge over other proceeds as you grow in business. Brand is your unique creative touch that your shoes have. It like a trademark to your product. Take for instanced you would have heard some brands like Italian shoes, Gucci, Nike, Adidas, Puma and Prada. These are all different shoe brands in different market.
Marketing: branding is part of production and part of marking as well. If you desire to make it and stand out, then you need to brand your products. You could brand your shoes by customizing them with your name, your logo, engrave name or model on it, package style, material use, type of soles or sole materials or you have a unique design. The way to branding is a non-ending one as anything (good though) can be done to make your product stand out. This way your current and potential customers and even the entire populace will be able to identify your shoes from the multitude of shoes produced in the shoe manufacturing industry.
To get to the top this business, you will not only need to produce great shoes but to proactively market them as well. To do this you need to use a good marketing strategy. You have to advertise and make your product known to your potential customers. It is of little or no use advertising a snow shoe to Nigerians who do not intend to go over sea, and it is not too practical to advertise corporate shoes to kids, they will prefer fancy colorful shoes. For small scale, referral by mouth to mouth will go a long way especially when you make great shoes.
For a larger scale advertisement, you could employ the use of radio, media house, television, bill board, posters and handbill. Another solid way to advertise and this also help proclaim your brand is to sponsor: programs, sport or any consumer product. Just make sure you support relevant and right motions. Advertisement could also be made to institutions in need of large quantity of uniforms shoes like schools, camps, government parastatal, Army, NYSC and so on.
You should register your shoe making business with the shoe maker’s association in Nigeria. It is also necessary to register with the corporate affairs commission, this gives you a good legal standing and increase your chances of obtaining contracts for shoe manufacturing from government and other entities.
In summary, to venture into this business, you should conduct a market research which includes a detailed feasibility study, learn from a skilled shoe designer, register your business, produce, package and market your shoes by creating brand for yourself.
As stated earlier, everyone wears shoes. People have at least a few shoes while most have a sizeable number of shoes. The price range of the shoe is poles apart. At about 5 years ago a custom made shoe sold for a million naira. The regular price of shoe is between N3000 to #100,000 depend on quality and location, though on average, it is around #2000 to #15,000. The opportunity this business opens to the potential entrepreneur is quite enormous. With style and creativity, knowledge and skill coupled with right entrepreneurial passion for shoe making, you can invest in this business and profit is certain.
Get your Shoe Making Business Plan in Nigeria today.To order the business plan, pay N10, 000 to:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0044056891
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122
After payment, send your full name, email address and topic (i.e. business plan on shoe making) to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.
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