Quarry Business Plan in Nigeria / How to Start a Quarry Business in Nigeria
Quarry Business Plan in Nigeria – Construction over time has evolved from just mere straw and clay, woods and stones that are usually found all around us in nomadic time and during the subsequent ages to more solid structures.
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When we consider the high rise buildings, sky scrapers, roads, bridges, dams and so on, we realize that the world of construction has evolved and has lately depended on more solid materials for construction and this use has made granite a major ingredient in our day to day constructions. For a more up to date construction that can stand the test of time and withstand the extreme weather conditions of the countries of the world that has over few decades depreciated greatly with the advent of global warming; the need for stronger and safer constructions has risen way beyond the conventional building material to a higher degree.
Why Start a Quarry Business in Nigeria?
- The Rising Demand for Granite
There has never been a time in the past that need for granite has rise this high and the demand is increasing day by day. With more constructions coming up, with improved and better designs, as rural areas become urban areas all of a sudden and as third world countries become developing countries and developing countries become developed countries, even as forests are been destroyed and cities take their place, so the demand for granite and quarry business owners spikes. With these increasing demands from the government, major construction companies and individual, there is now a problem of having enough granite to reach this rising demand and enough quarry owners to provide for the rising customer base.
- Return On Investment (ROI)
As much as there will be the need of huge sums of money going into the starting of this business there is also a guaranteed return on investment. Because of the high demand that keeps getting higher by the day and especially because we have very few quarry owners the competition will not be stiff, so this allows for quick return on investment.
- You Will Be Your Own Boss
Except you decide to go into partnership with another individual starting up this business guarantees that you will be your boss. You can tell how the business is to be and what can be done or not done around there.
- Unlimited Supply of Raw Materials
Nigeria is a gold mine of granite. There are so many rocks around most regions in Nigeria that we in most cases don’t know what to do with them. This rich supply of this natural resource has so far remained untapped. With the availability of this raw material with little or no one process this, so the need for quarry business owners.
- Local and International Market
In the early 2000, it was estimated that the production of granite was estimated at 15million tones and the demand then stood at 16.2million tones leaving a huge gap of 1.2miilion tones and this demand has been on the increase till now. So we see that the local market is on a steady increase. Granites could also be exported to the international market. There are foreign companies that do not have this raw materials they need for the vast and various production they make and they are willing to pay handsomely for this raw material which can give you 200% and above return on investment.
Places that Need the Services of a Granite Business in Nigeria
- They are needed in Road Construction and Dimensional stones
- They are needed in Building of Houses, Bridges, dams, nuclear plants and Drainages
- They are used in the Manufacturing of Marbles and Flooring Tiles.
- Some people use granite for Interior Decorations and exterior decoration in buildings
- They are used in the Production of cement blocks, rings and culverts
- Some artists use this for artwork and intricate designs. The list goes on.
How to Start Quarry Business in Nigeria
- Write a Quarry Business Plan in Nigeria
Getting a business plan before starting this business cannot be over emphasized. Most business by recent statistics never get to kick off or leave the minds of the proposed business idea basically because there was no plan on how to start the business and over ninety percent of businesses that gets to the startup phase does not last over the first five years because of poor planning. So we will have to ensure that you spend so much time on this phase make sure most if not all of the things are required at this stage are covered and addressed. Take your time; don’t rush this phase because what you do here goes a long way to tell how far you will be able to pursue this business. Build your business from the foundation to the finishing stage on paper. Ensure you write down every little detail and be pictorial in your presentation as much as possible.
For N10, 000, we will send you a sample quarry business plan in Nigeria. Our business plan can be used for bank loans, grants, and entrepreneurship competitions.
To place order for this quarry business plan, pay N10, 000 to:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0044056891
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Depositors Name
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The title of the business plan you paid for (i.e. quarry business plan in Nigeria pdf)
Your business plan will be sent to your email within 10 minutes after payment.
- Register Your Organization with the Appropriate Bodies
At this point it is important to note that you cannot do so much without a name for your company. Ensure you have a unique name that is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and a trademarked logo to continue in this business. Also go to the revenue office to get Tax Identification Number (TIN) and Employee Identification Number (EIN). All these help you to get government jobs and contracts.
- Raise Capital
This business is not one that you can just wake up and go into because of the financial demand for startup, except you already have a major source of income which lightens the load of the financial pressure posed by the startup. There are several ways to raise a capital in this business and they are all depended on personal preference and what is available to you at the moment.
Angel investor
There are specific individuals in your locality that are well placed financially and are willing to sponsor a project. Go online and make enquires on such willing investors. They will want to know exactly what they are investing in or the business idea they are financing that is why it is good to have a well laid out business plan. It comes in handy not just for yourself but for other purposes as well.
Financial aid from partners
In a case where you are running a Limited Liability Company (LLC) your partners can give financial aid to ensure that the business kicks off on time and the right way.
Bank loan
This is another reliable way of raising a capital. Banks usually require to see your quary business plan and also in most case they require a collateral before the loan is been facilitated. So ensure your paper work is in order.
Secure a Quarry Site/ Business Location
In securing a quarry site there are several options that you can consider, make sure that the option you go with is the one that suits you and does not put you under too much pressure added to the pressure of planning and startup.
- Leasing a quarry site
In this case you are leasing an existing quarry from someone that has everything in place but don’t want to run the business full time anymore. So you pay the person for using his quarry site monthly, yearly or as agreed. In this you cannot make major changes to the business because it is not originally owned by you.
- Buying over an existing quarry site
In this case the owner is no longer interest in running the business at all so you buy over the entire business from the owner. You are buying the land, the building, machineries etc. This may be very expensive but a little cheaper than building your from the ground up.
- Building from the scratch
In this case you have to buy a land and build to your taste, also buy all the machineries and equipment you will need to run the business. One major advantage of this is that you will have the opportunity to do everything to your taste and financial capacity.
- Ensure your quarry site is located on a rocky mass. There will be no need having a quarry site that doesn’t have the raw materials needed to start the quarry business. It will be unwise, so do your surveys and ensure you have ample amount of rocks on the land that will last you at least 4-7years.
- Ensure that the quality of the granite on site is of standard quality both locally and internationally (you don’t want to run at a loss after putting huge sums of money into the business).
Buy or lease Your Equipment
Ensure you get modern equipment and research where you can get them at cheaper rates than what is obtainable but while doing this make sure these machineries are the original ones. You don’t want to spend money twice on the same things. Avoid that as much as possible.
Employ Qualified Staff
So many times a machine is as good as the person operating it. Ensure you have capable and qualified staff on board. Let them go through adequate screening and also training for the best outcome in your company. Employ engineers, drivers, operators, quality control officer and security men.
Market Your Product and Bid for Contracts
In most cases you should let the quality of your product speak for you but you also have to do adequate marketing and advertisement especially in a case where you have competitors and other people bidding for the same contract you are interested in. Look out for major construction in and out of your locality where you think that your materials can be needed.
Take Your Portion in the Nigeria Quarry Market
Depending on how you want to start, your capital base and availability of equipment, you have the option of determining the scale in which you want to run the business.
- Large Scale Quarry Owner
This kind of investor is one that needs a huge capita to start because he is the biggest and highest producer of granite; he owns the quarry site and the machinery. The total cost of buying the equipment takes up to 70% of the total money needed to start up the business. This quarry owner need to situate his quarry site on a rocky landscape making the granite need available to him on his own land. Machines needed should be imported for the best quality e.g. USA, China, etc
These equipments may include the following: Excavators, Crushers, Pay loaders, Way bridge, Dumper, Carriage trucks (15-20 tones capacity) etc.
- Medium Scale (Middle Man)
This middle man does not play any part in producing the raw materials but interfaces between the large scale producers and users. They do a lot of marketing and are required to bid for contracts, after doing this they are to get the best possible price from the large scale producers to ensure they make adequate gain. They make a lot of profit especially in a case where they have contacts and connections that the large scale quarry owner does not have.
- Small Scale
This operators need little or no form of capital to start they run their own business in a much lower form than the medium scale operators. They seek for small construction jobs within their locality and environs; they depend solely on commission gotten as a result of supply made to builders and small constructions in their locality and around them.
Tips to Ensure Your Quarry Business Stay Afloat
- Ensure that you keep to your word. Integrity is key to any successful business.
- Ensure that every licensing is done. Do not leave out any paper work or registration process for any reason to avoid been shut down by regulatory authorities.
- Do adequate marketing to always remain at the top of the food chain in granite productions and supply. You can employ marketers that will do this marketing with commissions been made available on every sale and supply made through them.
- Create a website and also have social media platform running, you can create a platform that customers can make online orders and payment for easy transactions and having less cash in hand especially as our economy becomes more and more cashless.
- Have engineers/supervisors that ensure the smooth running and the constant health of these equipment.
Hurry now and get your own quarry business plan in Nigeria + feasibility study.
To plan order, pay N10,000 to:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0044056891
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122
After payment, send your name, email address and title of business plan (i.e. quarry business plan in Nigeria pdf) via text to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 10 minutes after payment. Thank you.
Quarry Business Plan in Nigeria / Starting a Rock Quarry Business © www.businessplan.com.ng
This is a very fantastic job. Pls i wish to know a raw estimate of staring a large scale quarry business in Nigeria. Thank you.